5 Ways to Take Action from Home

Like most members of the UNOVA Coworking community, we are staying home to help flatten the curve of the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19. However, staying home can lead to restlessness, loneliness, and a general feeling that you are powerless against this pandemic.

You can change that, though! Here are 5 different ways to help you feel empowered (and help others!) in this time of social distancing:

Addressing Community Concerns Surrounding Coronavirus

Right now you can’t go anywhere without hearing about COVID-19. As businesses and schools are closing and many public events are being cancelled, we too are navigating the impacts of coronavirus and taking careful precautions to protect our coworking space members.

To keep our space open, operating, and healthy for our members, we have implemented the following:

  • The space is open to members and otherwise closed to the public. During this time, there are no drop-ins or tours accepted without prior notice.
  • We are diligently performing daily wipe down of surfaces, doorknobs, and light switches with disinfecting wipes.
  • Spaces are stocked with wipes, hand sanitizer, antibacterial hand soap, antibacterial dish soap, and tissues.
  • Paper towels are provided near all sinks.
  • Kitchens are stocked with disposable cups, silverware, and plates.
  • We have adequately spaced all desks and work stations at least 6 feet apart to abide by the NYS social distancing guidelines .
  • We are abiding by CDC recommendations to wash hands for at least 20 seconds (sing the Shout Song or the chorus to your favorite rock ballad).
  • We’ve ensured our cleaning company is using disinfecting processes and will clean more frequently.

Most importantly, we require coworking space members to stay home if anyone is not feeling well or showing any cold or flu symptoms.

UNOVA wishes everyone good health and stay safe.

Jimini WHO? Jimini Crowket, that’s who!

Grab your KIDS and get your CAMERA ready…

Next Tuesday, 3/10 at 6:30pm meet Jimini Crowket — a real live crow!

UNOVA Coworking has partnered with non-profit Green Springville to present this year’s Speaker Series, and March’s presenters include several feathered friends!

Get up close and personal with Jimini, his crow friend Grover, a couple of owls, and a kestrel, while his owner, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, answers your questions about attracting, repelling, and maintaining a safe environment for all of the wild critters found in your backyard.

***Be sure to bring your camera – adults and *well-behaved* children can take photos!!!

Light refreshments will be available! RSVP today!