3 Tips for Perfecting Your Space When You Work From Home

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3 Tips for Perfecting Your Space When You Work From Home

According to recent remote worker statistics, 56% of companies around the globe offer telework options to employees, and those numbers are projected to grow as the world adjusts to post-pandemic life.  This means more people can work from home than ever before.  If you’re one of them, you may feel excited for the opportunity, but anxious about the reality of setting up your home office and making it a space where you can be efficient and productive.  Your house is your comfort zone where you let your hair down, relax, and settle in your loungewear.  So, how do you make it double as your office?  Here are some tips from UNOVA Coworking to make that happen!

1. Designate Your Work Space

The key to being productive when working remotely is having a distinct home office.  Just like a corporate workspace, your home office should be equipped for your professional needs and free of distractions.  Ideally, this space should be a room behind a door, like an extra bedroom, finished attic loft, or walk-in closet.  This way, you can close yourself in during work hours to avoid interruptions and shut the door behind you when the day ends.  If you only have a corner of a common space to work with, then consider getting a room divider that screens your view and muffles sound.

The goal is to make a space that allows you the convenience of a remote job, but also promotes a healthy work-life balance and prevents you from checking emails long into the night when you should be relaxing with your family.

2. Personalize Your Home Office

The great thing about a home office is that it doesn’t have to look like a sterile cubicle.  In fact, the more comfortable you make your space, the more productive you’ll be.  Even if you only telework one or two days a week, you’ll want to design and outfit your office for maximum efficiency.  Some creative and professional decor ideas include:

The idea of furnishing your home office can be daunting, especially if you’re on a budget.  Repurposing old, broken, or thrift store items is a great way to get the vibe you need for the room without breaking the bank.  You can find a quality upholstery service near you to repair and reupholster any pieces that need attention, which is often less expensive than buying a new office set.  Depending on your custom needs, style, and fabric choices, you can have a large sofa re-covered for $1,200-$3,500.  Before reaching out for a quote, be sure to conduct thorough research and do a deep dive into online customer reviews.

3. Find a New Space

Your studio apartment may have been perfect when you left home every day to go to work, but now that you’re a remote employee, you may feel cramped, anxious, or overwhelmed in your small space.  Major life changes require modifications, so if your living quarters no longer suit you, it may be time to move on.  If you’re interested in purchasing a new home, make sure to research the housing market in your area before making any big decisions.

If you can create a space in your home where you feel comfortable, motivated, and empowered, you’ll have no problem tackling the challenges of telework and becoming a top performer in your company in no time.

And if you ‘re looking for community (or need to put a little distance between you and your work), try a coworking space, like UNOVA!

Questions or comments?  Have any additional tips or resources to share?  Reply below or reach out to Chelsea Lamb.

UNOVA Coworking believes in fostering community to help spur the growth of small businesses and organizations in and around Western New York and the southern tier.  Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Easy Expansion: Hiring and Managing Remote Workers

When it comes to business, there’s always strength in numbers. If you want to take your company to the next level, you’ll need to put together a cohesive team and learn to manage them in the era of remote working – here’s how you can get started.

Hiring Smart

Before you begin the hiring process, it’s important to outline exactly who and what the company requires to succeed. Many new ventures begin with just a CEO and an accountant but, as you begin to expand or take on new investment, you may need to accommodate your growth with a few key additions. At this crucial stage, your new personnel need to represent immediate value – for example, marketing generalists or sales representatives can help increase revenue or spread brand awareness, or a product manager could help to develop your product range and supply chains.

When it comes to actually hiring, the process can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. Generally speaking, however, it’s worth taking time to plan and structure – write out the desired skills, available budget, and experience required. There are hundreds of forums and platforms to help you discover talent. If you find that you’re time-poor, it could be worth hiring a recruiter to help filter out the best candidates and remove the burden of scrolling through resumés. If you’re a microbusiness, try to avoid larger recruitment agencies as you’ll find more affordable fees attached to smaller companies.

Planning Ahead

It’s crucial that new hires understand exactly where you intend to take your company and what their role is in its development. Maybe your priority is to generate high-quality leads and establish your brand within a particular demographic, or to dominate an emerging market, spreading the word as quickly and indiscriminately as possible – whatever your aim, it needs to be communicated clearly, as confusion can quickly lead to lapses in productivity. Create a process map to help to alleviate this issue and enable you and your team to analyze your shared processes and outcomes, helping everyone to stay organized.

To make life easier for everyone, it’s also important to do some work independently. This means taking everything you already understand about your business and your industry and writing the information down in the form of a mission statement. Until now, much of your company’s brand values, work practices, and long-term objectives have lived inside your head – if you want to successfully transition into a team-based business, you’ll need to be generous with knowledge and prioritize patience and clarity.

Managing Remotely

Even with all the right preparation, you’ll never know exactly what you’re undertaking until the team is formed and the work is underway. There are believed to be three primary management styles and up to ten sub-styles – it’s up to you to recognize your own strengths and apply these accordingly. It’s also important to remember that the world of work is changing rapidly and, in this day and age, talent often recognizes its own value. Familiarize yourself with the latest trends in company perks, mental health awareness, and paid leave/vacation allowance.

Remote working can make management tricky at times but you’re likely to turn off good workers if you insist too strictly on in-person attendance. A good strategy is to divide the week up with some days given for remote working and others for office work. With the right communication tools, there’s no reason why virtual management can’t work, just be certain to check in regularly and make use of collaborative software.

It’s always a nervy moment for a company when it comes time to expand, but if you can provide clarity of vision, keep an open mind, and collaborate with your new hires, there’s no reason why your business shouldn’t thrive.

UNOVA is a coworking space established in 2018, offering a range of facilities for emerging businesses. Learn more at www.unovacoworking.com

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Marissa Perez.

6 ways to spread kindness in the workplace

The science of kindness is valid, and it’s proven that kindness in the workplace matters. We know that workplace stress is an issue, and, in fact, 61% of Americans name work as a major stressor in their lives. That stress can increase health risks for the workers for things like of anxiety, back pain, depression, heart disease, headaches, insomnia, and weakened immunity. It can also lead to organizational issues for the company due to absenteeism, higher health care costs, lower productivity, and more.

So how does kindness factor in? Basically, it’s an antidote to workplace stress, working to increase engagement, boost productivity, inspire loyalty, and overall improve job satisfaction. And fortunately, there are plenty of ways, both big and small, to create a kinder workplace, such as practicing gratitude by writing thank-you cards to team members, publicly recognizing accomplishments, and even supplying healthy food. For more easy-to-implement ideas to make your workplace a kinder place to be, take a look at this graphic.

1. Build a habit of gratitude

A demonstration of gratitude is both a kindness itself and a response to kindness. It’s what keeps employees paying it forward. But for people who haven’t actively practiced gratitude before, it can be difficult to start. Before gratitude can become part of company culture, it must first be an emotion, then a habit. 

You can help develop the habit by supplying your team members with the classic tool of gratitude: the thank-you card. If the team works in a shared space, let staff know that you’ll leave thank-you cards in the break room or another frequented space so workers can drop by and fill one out when they have a minute. Get the ball rolling by filling them out for your team members. Keep a few in your desk for spontaneous use. 

If you have remote team members, supply thank-you cards to your employees and share the addresses of teammates’ offices. Or use a free service such as Paperless Post.

2. Recognize what’s important

One form of gratitude comes from leadership: recognition. There are many ways to recognize employees. Raises can be effective, of course, while more public displays of recognition can give the whole staff a buzz. 

One study found that when top performers receive recognition in front of their peers, the largest boosts in productivity come from those who aren’t recognized. Consider dedicating meeting time or a Slack channel to shout-outs that recognize team members for everyday contributions.

For bigger accomplishments, consider offering a corporate gift. A paperweight with the company logo or an embossed pen is nice, but the gift will mean a lot more if you get to know the person’s interests and get them something personal.  

Finally, well-timed recognition helps companies retain employees. Recognizing employee birthdays and work anniversaries is critical. These so-called epiphany moments are times of reflection for many workers, and they may start updating their resumes if they don’t feel appreciated. 

3. Commit to random acts of kindness

Studies suggest that out-of-the blue kindness can be just as effective as regular expressions of gratitude and recognition. One study asked participants to commit random acts of kindness for seven straight days. These acts boosted happiness and wellbeing for both the givers and receivers.

Participants chose a variety of people to receive kindness: friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and complete strangers. The positive effects were the same no matter who the recipients were. It turns out, you don’t need to have a relationship with someone for kindness to benefit both of you.

If companywide kindness is your goal, you can build a culture of kindness quickly by encouraging random acts of kindness across departments and shifts. The acts can be as simple as holding the door open for an unfamiliar colleague or sharing a light-hearted meme with a remote teammate.

4. Supply healthy snacks and lunches

Feeding your team can reduce the stress of finding time to prep food between meetings, appointments, and checking off to-dos. This small kindness can make a big difference. In one study, when an employer  simply added two pieces of fruit to an employee’s lunch for three weeks, workers’ wellbeing and performance improved.

Study co-author and Associate Professor of Journalism at Penn State, Bu Zhong, Ph.D., said in an interview with Medical News Today that the study proves even small acts of kindness can have a huge impact on company culture: “An ultimate solution to improve worker performance and health could be big pay raises or reduced workloads, but when those solutions aren’t feasible, we found that even small offerings can make a big difference.”

Regular snacks or meals are small prices to pay for healthy workplaces full of happy, hardworking employees who take initiative. Stock your breakroom fridges and cabinets on your own, or use a subscription service to curate the snacks for you. And don’t forget about remote employees—mail them treats or reimburse them for a meal delivery service.

5. Give Honest, Thoughtful Feedback

Giving people feedback isn’t necessarily considered a kindness. But if done well, it can be—even if the feedback you offer is a critique. In her book Radical Candor, Kim Scott debunks the saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” Her view is that discussing an employee’s weaknesses one-on-one and supporting them in finding a solution shows how much you care about them and their careers. The key is to keep this conversation affirming and constructive. 

Don’t forget about positive feedback, too, especially when it’s related to kind behavior. In a study conducted with Finnish teachers, researchers discovered people are nicer when they believe kindness is a character strength they possess. 

The takeaway? One of the best ways to boost kindness in your organization is to recognize and compliment kindness when you see it among your coworkers. 

One note for remote team members: Consider giving feedback remotely over video chat or phone so they can see sincerity on your face or hear it in your voice. Email and messaging may not give as many clues about your tone and emotion.

6. Lead by Example

As the studies cited above show, small, one-off actions can have a tremendous impact on workplace stress. One of the best ways to encourage kind actions is for leaders to spread kindness. Here are some small ways that anyone can bring kindness to the workplace.

  • Start emails with a compliment.
  • Smile and greet people (in your building or on chat), whether you know them or not.
  • Go out of your way to show a new employee the ropes.
  • Connect with colleagues on LinkedIn and give them glowing reviews.
  • Point out someone’s strengths at your next meeting.

The only caveat to consider: Start slow. “Try one kindness initiative at a time,” Liz Jazwiec, author of Eat That Cookie! Make Workplace Positivity Pay Off … For Individuals, Teams and Organizations, said in an interview with Reliable Plant magazine. “After all, you wouldn’t want your coworkers to walk in one day and think that you’ve been brainwashed.”


There are many ways to define kindness within your company culture. But if you want to reap the benefits of kindness—including improved mental health, greater productivity, and lower workplace stress—your definition must include action. 

Encourage employees to write thank-you notes, share random acts of kindness, and give each other honest, thoughtful feedback. Bake kindness into each day by supplying snacks and lunches. Recognize birthdays, milestones, and achievements. Finally, lead by example. Act with kindness and show gratitude toward others. Remember that kindness is good for both the giver and the receiver. And kindness is contagious, so even small, inexpensive actions can have a huge impact.

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Sean Farrell.

6 Invoicing Practices for Faster Payments

An efficient invoicing system gets you paid faster and keeps you on customers’ good side (and vice versa).  Bad billing practices, on the other hand, cause revenue leakage, slow cash flow, and hurt customer satisfaction.

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What sets good billing systems apart from the bad?  Use these tips from UNOVA Coworking to set up an accounts receivable system that’s built for growth.

1. Start with a professional invoice

A standardized invoice template is an essential component of any billing system.  Include your business logo, name, and address, and clearly state payment terms and due dates to eliminate confusion.  Always itemize services and products provided and note the types of payment accepted.

2. Choose an invoicing platform

If you’re still using spreadsheets, upgrade to cloud-based invoicing software.  Cloud-based apps are a boon for all types of business processes but especially finances.  Many of the leading platforms like Xero, Zoho Books, FreshBooks, and Quickbooks Online start at $20 a month or less.

Instead of manually inputting data, cloud-based tools automatically populate invoices to streamline invoicing and reduce errors.  Most include automated reminders so you can remind late-paying customers without any of the awkwardness.  You’ll get paid faster and set a high standard with customers.

3. Establish your payment terms

Clear expectations eliminate payment confusion.  Plainly state payment terms in contracts and invoices and include specific due dates.

How soon should customers pay?  It depends.  Net 30 used to be standard but shorter terms of Net 15 are becoming more common especially for new accounts.  A frequent late-payer might call for cash-on-delivery, while reliable customers might receive more generous terms.  Factor customer history and your cash flow needs when setting terms and consider late payment penalties and incentives to motivate on-time payments.

4. Enable recurring payments

Customers are more likely to pay on time when you make it easy.  Online payments and ACH transfers eliminate the delays and hassle associated with mailing a check payment.

Recurring payments are the gold standard for efficiency because they ensure you get paid.  Overdrafts are the biggest danger when subscription billing — no one appreciates a surprise fee! — but you can avoid overdrafts by verifying account balances using Plaid’s Balance API before initiating a transfer.

5. Monitor accounts receivable

Software takes a lot of the hassle out of invoicing, but it’s not totally hands-off.  Keep an eye on accounts receivable and don’t be afraid to pick up the phone when a client isn’t responding to friendly reminders.  Late payments can cause you to miss your own payment deadlines so it’s important to follow up.

Monitoring accounts receivable also draws attention to strengths and weaknesses in your billing system.  Do you have a lot of risky customers or a high turnover ratio?  You may need to tighten up collection policies to improve cash flow.  Are your best customers regularly maxing out their credit limits?  Raising the limit could encourage reliable customers to spend more.

6. Make sure it’s secure

Putting a customer’s financial data at risk can ruin a business relationship fast.  Security remains a top priority any time you’re handling customer payment data.  Verify that your payment service provider uses the latest security standards to prevent data breaches and protect customer data in the event it’s compromised.  Use strong passwords throughout all business systems and follow cybersecurity best practices to secure devices and networks.

Getting paid on time is easier said than done.  If you’re still relying on slow, manual processes to bill customers and accept payments, you’ll spend more time chasing payments than making money.  Optimize your accounts receivable with tools and tactics designed for the 21stcentury and start getting paid faster.

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Marcus Lansky.

Autistic Individuals with Disabilities Find Career Success These Apps

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Having a disability can create challenges when it comes to job hunting and career advancement.  Having a disability alongside autism can often make it more challenging.  However, it’s definitely not impossible, especially with all the great apps that are available to assist you with every aspect of your job.  From landing an interview to enhancing your performance, there’s a useful app that can help.  Here are the best apps to help individuals with disabilities succeed in their careers.

But first, the most important part…

These days, you need a reliable smartphone. Stay in contact with clients, customers, other employees, or your boss with an up-to-date smartphone.  Thankfully, newer phones like these come with a plethora of accessibility features, like text-to-speech.  Just like it sounds, you can use this handy option to have your phone read what is on your screen to you.  Similarly, you can use dictation to have your phone type messages.  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg; be sure to explore the settings available in whatever phone you’re using.

It’s Break Time  

The It’s Break Time app was created specifically for people with disabilities to become more independent at their job.  It will remind the employee to take breaks on time and let them know when to return to work.  In addition, the app can also help support systems stay connected by sending alerts about the employee’s daily feelings about the job.  According to the app’s creators, Lampos Solutions, It’s Break Time is recommended for people with memory issues or developmental disabilities, including Down syndrome, autism, Alzheimer’s, and dementia. 

Hearing Aid Apps

This isn’t about one specific app, but a whole category of apps.  For the hard of hearing, most hearing aid manufacturers, including Signia, Widex, and Unitron, have a compatible app to enhance your hearing aid use.  The apps will allow you to control your hearing aid right from your smartphone.  That means no one else will be able to tell that you’re adjusting your hearing aid unless they can see your screen. 

Most hearing aid apps offer the ability to adjust the volume, block background noise, and connect to another device such as a TV, as well as offer advice and helpful tips about your hearing.  These apps will benefit your career by making it easy to adjust your hearing discreetly during a meeting, and by ensuring you’re always able to hear the presentation or instructions from your boss.  A hearing aid app can level the playing field between those with hearing difficulties and those without.  

While the Monster app wasn’t designed specifically for people with disabilities, it’s a great tool that connects job seekers with all kinds of jobs.  Its easy-to-use interface (specifically, you can swipe to apply for a job) means anyone can search for a job through the app, including individuals with disabilities.  Find the perfect job that works with or around your needs.  The Monster website even has an article with advice for those with disabilities who are searching for employment. 

Learning Online

Earning a degree that boosts your career prospects is easier than ever with the preponderance of online programs.  While technically not an app, earning an advanced online degree is convenient and affordable, and with flexible options available, you can continue working your current job as you learn.

Today, companies all over the world are designing apps for almost every use and for every audience.  That means autistic individuals with disabilities can get farther ahead in their jobs than ever before.  With the above apps, you can overcome any challenge and succeed in your career.

Need affordable office space?  UNOVA Coworking offers shared working spaces so you can work in a professional environment.  Schedule a tour today!

From Great Idea to Detailed Plan:  Your Business Destiny Awaits

When an awesome idea hits, entrepreneurs are often ready to pounce, particularly when it is a unique business idea with a lot of potential.  Sometimes the small details of management planning are lost along the way, but those tasks are important parts of the daily management of business.  Fortunately, there are many tools and tricks to help business owners manage the minutiae of administrative tasks.  Read on for UNOVA Coworking‘s tips to make your business destiny come true.

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Getting Goods and Supplies

Placing orders for supplies and managing your inventory is a crucial aspect of running your business.  If you are making drastic changes to the business and its goods or services, it may be necessary to identify alternative vendors specific to what you have in mind.  Often specialty vendors can be found through trade magazines.  Shop around to make sure you are accessing good prices and watch out for shipping costs, which can drastically impact your profit margins.

Inventory Assists

Maintaining inventory once your business is established can be a less-than-exciting task.  Fortunately, business owners can use inventory programs to stay ahead of their supply needs.  The best part of an inventory system is the automation that saves a ton of time and misery.  There are many programs available at a range of prices, depending on the size of your business and how much automation you require.

Business owners may be able to delegate some tasks to trusted employees if there is a question about whether there are adequate funds for an inventory program.  Inventory may be a good task to delegate initially.  As business increases and you get your sea legs under you, it may feel like a better time to invest in a program for inventory.  Sometimes there are tasks that business owners take on independently to save capital, and others are more vital to the functioning of the business, such as payroll.  When it comes to payroll, using an established, automated system can spare you hours at a computer and a lot of frustration.

Payroll Simplicity

Most business owners do not relish endless hours crunching numbers for payroll.  To avoid errors in manual calculations, automated platforms can be an ideal solution.  When you use a timesheet calculator, it creates a more accurate account of your worker’s time, including breaks and overtime usage.  Automated systems are also great for keeping track of the varying classifications of workers, which reduces the likelihood of human error.

Another factor to keep in mind regarding payroll is that if you have employees in other countries, you’ll need to find reliable methods for paying them.  One option is to use a money transfer service like Remitly, which allows you to streamline safe and secure payments to people at guaranteed delivery dates in many countries, including Mexico and India.

Technology has offered business owners a wide range of time-saving tools that can change operations for the better.  You can decide which ones meet your needs and whether they are worth the investment.  As your business continues to grow, you may find that automated systems are a time and energy saving way to operate.  Regardless of the systems you choose, consider ways to make your business sustainable and reduce your stress as an entrepreneur.

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Courtney Rosenfeld.

11 Essential Apps for Business Owners to Have More Free Time

Business Apps
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If you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, or coach who’s working hard to get your passion project out into the world, but you also want more free time in your day-to-day life, then these apps are perfect for you. They’ll help you get organized and work efficiently so that all of your essential tasks don’t fall through the cracks. UNOVA Coworking offers a list of the top 11 apps that will help increase your productivity and give you back some precious free time!

1) Google Drive. It’s the perfect app for collaboration with colleagues, sharing documents, and storing company information. You can also create a document in seconds that will allow several people to work on it together in real-time.

2) Slack. This collaborative workspace allows individuals to work together with their business teams from wherever they are while retaining complete control over who has access to your conversations. It also offers integrations with other apps such as Dropbox so users can sync files across platforms without switching back and forth between different screens or programs.

3) Trello. Trello is a great way to manage projects. With its clean and straightforward interface, you can create boards for different tasks with cards representing the steps needed to complete those tasks.

4) Adobe Spark. When it comes to creating professional level designs for your social media or website, this app makes it easy to tap into your creativity. For example, you can use their banner generator to quickly craft a compelling design with fun graphics and fonts that give the impression it was made by a graphic designer.

4) Dropbox. This app allows users to store files in the cloud and access or share them from any device, anywhere. It offers integration with many other apps and desktop or laptop computers, making it a handy cloud app to have.

5) Zoom. This app is now a classic video conference and screen-sharing service that offers many of the same features as Skype or Facetime but has some great extras like recording meetings.

6) QuickBooks Enterprise. QuickBooks is distribution software for wholesale businesses that helps you keep track of inventory and optimize your wholesale distribution. It can automatically tally up purchases, record stock updates to ensure you have the correct information to fulfill our orders, avoid out of stock, and provide analytics on sales data for an easy view of how your company is doing financially. Integrations to leading e-commerce platforms are also a welcome feature.

7) QuickBooks. A flexible accounting app, QuickBooks allows you to manage expenses and invoices, track payments, and stay on top of all of your essential financial metrics and help curb your spending, among other things. It offers multiple integrations, as well as the ability to send reminders for overdue payments.

8) Scanner app. This app turns your phone into a document scanner, letting you quickly digitize paper documents. The ability to scan anywhere will make it easier to have your office on the go without needing to carry around endless bits of paper and post-its that inevitably end up getting lost.

9) Asana. This cloud-based work management app is excellent for people with many individual tasks or different projects to complete. It helps you keep track by providing reminders, and it also lets users share lists so that they can collaborate on projects together.

10) Evernote. Dividing up tasks among team members can save time for everyone. This app lets users share notes, lists, and files across devices to work together on projects efficiently.

Do you already use some of these, or do any of them sound like they could benefit your company? If so, give it a try to see if you can get a little help to free up your time.

Don’t Let Burnout Be Your Only Option When Work-Life Balance is Missing

In today’s society, it can feel like all we do is work; wake up, take a shower, go to work (or work from home!), come home, eat, sleep, rinse, repeat. According to Blue Water Credit, Americans work more hours than any other country in the world. The numbers are frightening. A recent poll shows that Americans work an average of 47 hours per week, and 18 percent of Americans work over 60 hours a week. It’s no wonder we’re all so tired, even when we are still in college or have just started our adult lives!

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If you’re struggling with the effects of burnout, this guide from UNOVA Coworking offers a few steps you can take to help you find your own version of work-life balance.  

Find a Mentor

There are many reasons to have a mentor. She can give you advice on how to advance your career to the next level, help you build meaningful connections — and offer insight on how to achieve a better work-life balance. Even if there are times you feel you can’t possibly juggle all of the professional and personal responsibilities on your plate, your mentor can help you navigate the stress of it all based on her own experiences.

Find a Job that You Enjoy

Sometimes burnout is simple. Nobody likes putting in countless hours at a job they don’t enjoy. But there are many reasons why people continue to stay at a job they can’t stand. Maybe you’re worried about a consistent income or have recently been dropped from your parents’ health insurance. Unfortunately, these are realities that every American has to think about. But that doesn’t mean you are stuck! 

If you are struggling with burnout, it may be time to reevaluate your options and pivot your career. Closely examine your finances, look for ways to save extra money, and make a plan to find a job you love. Doing something you enjoy with a team that is a good fit can refresh your whole life and bring back your zeal before you lose your zest for life.

In some cases, your best option to further your career is to go back to school. The great news is that thanks to so many online education programs, it’s easier than ever for career-minded folks to continue working while they take online classes around their schedule. Of course, there are many tracks you can take, but as an example, enrolling in an online business program could help you climb the ranks at your current company, become a more desirable candidate at another firm, or even pave the way for you to follow your entrepreneurial dreams.

Whatever your ambitions, don’t limit yourself at a job or company you’re not passionate about. The sky really is the limit!

Practice Mindfulness

So many of us get through our days by just going through the motions. But doing this can make the clock drag, inevitably resulting in burnout. What does it mean to be mindful? Positive Psychology defines mindfulness as “a moment-to-moment awareness of one’s experience without judgment.” But what exactly does this mean?

In essence, it means being aware of your actions and what drives them. When you are mindful at work, there’s a greater chance that you’ll feel like what you do matters. While you are paying attention to your surroundings, it is also a good idea to practice controlled breathing. This can help you settle your mind and body and reduce stress that can hurt you in the long run.

Use Your Vacation Time

If you’re lucky enough to work for an employer that provides paid vacation time, don’t let it go to waste. Many companies work on the mentality of “use it or lose it.” This means that if you don’t use your current year’s allowance, it disappears. You have to wait until you earn more time to take a vacation. 

Think this tip sounds like common sense? Think again. According to Forbes, Americans let almost 50 percent of their vacation days in 2017 go unused. What’s worse, 10 percent didn’t even take a vacation at all. That time away from the workplace can be instrumental in keeping you happy and healthy, not to mention helping you avoid burnout, so put it to good use, even if you aren’t able to travel. Simply taking some time at home via a staycation will give you a much-deserved break from your job and help prevent burnout.

Learn to Manage Your Time Wisely

Time is a valuable thing, and you only have 24 hours in each day. Learn how to use yours wisely. This starts by putting an end to doing the things you despise. While you still have to do the dishes and fold the laundry, you don’t have to give up your day off to babysit your sister’s kids, and you don’t have to mingle with co-workers you don’t like. Remember, your time is just that, yours. You can also make room in your days by being more efficient. Need to get gas, go grocery shopping, and pick up the dry cleaning? Find a grocery store with a fuel station and the nearest cleaners, and make it a single excursion, not three different trips.

Burnout is a reality that many Americans deal with. But it doesn’t have to be. When you examine the root cause and take steps to make a change, you may find you’re able to achieve a greater work-life balance. 

If spending more time working from home is throwing a wrench in your work-life balance, consider a membership with UNOVA Coworking. Having a professional space where you can focus during work makes it easier to firm up boundaries. Check out our membership options today!

How to Nail Your Reopening Marketing Campaign

When the pandemic struck, businesses everywhere asked themselves – how do we adapt? For some companies, transitioning was a simple matter. Others, however, had to take some time to figure out the best route forward. Closing up shop temporarily is a wise move. It gives you the chance to wait and watch the market, see what’s working (and not working) for other companies, and craft a solid plan for your company’s future.

serious ethnic woman at rural shop doorway
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Now that you have your plan, it’s time to reopen. Letting customers know you’re back in business can be a serious challenge. With a careful strategy to manage your day-to-day tasks so you can dedicate your full attention to this process, you can eliminate some of the overwhelm. Here’s a look at how to create and launch an effective reopening campaign:

Make Sure You’re Prepared

Your business can’t afford a misstep right now. Before you reopen, make sure you’re truly ready. Not only will faltering on your reopen cost you money, but it will also leave a bad impression with clients. You have to inspire confidence with this campaign, and being fully prepared will help ensure that.

If you’ve moved your company to fully remote, are you certain your employees are ready? Security risks are different (and sometimes unpredictable) when employees work from home. Make sure your employees know good digital security practices, such as not sharing their work device with family members. Never assume your employees already know, or that these practices are obvious – it’s better to give them redundant information than to miss something. 

You should also evaluate your budget before you reopen. Most companies took a pretty major hit at the start of the pandemic, and you need to make sure you have the funds you need to succeed. If you don’t, don’t panic: There are a ton of public and private resources out there for businesses affected by the pandemic. See what kind of aid you can get to keep your company going.

Focus on Digital Connection

Right now, one of the most cost-effective forms of outreach businesses can use is digital marketing. The great thing about this marketing avenue is it’s so flexible. You can invest in highly targeted ads and capture a specific audience; you can put in SEO groundwork and build a social presence; and you can combine these efforts to incredible effect.

If you have money to spare on advertising, look into targeted ad services. These are extremely effective because they go directly to the audience that needs your product. You’re not casting a wide net and hoping you’ll catch the right eyes – you’re money goes straight to ads that reach potential customers.

Low budget? You can still make a big impact on your company’s success through content marketing. If you don’t already have a blog, now is the time to start running one. Don’t just go in blind, however. Take some time to research your competitors, pay attention to industry trends, and craft a content marketing plan that will work for your business. High-quality content marketing can make a huge impact, without spending a ton of money.

Communicate With Clients Directly

Finally, spend some time connecting directly with clients and customers to let them know you’re reopening. This could mean making use of your email or mailing lists, or making phone calls to connect out loud. There are benefits to either approach – you can reach more people with a mailer or newsletter, and you’ll save yourself time. That said, you can never be confident that people are actually reading what you send them.

When you make a phone call, you get the chance to make a more personal connection with clients. Plus, you get information back this way. Phone calls can help you get a sense for whether or not clients have moved on, what they’re looking for in the current market, and how you can stand out in your field. However, there are only so many hours in a day, so you should prioritize the most lucrative clients, or the ones you think will give you the best information.

Running a reopening campaign can be a major challenge, but it’s well worth it. An effective campaign will bring back old clients, attract new ones, and show the world you’re ready to take on today’s challenges. And the best part is, it will set you up for a bright future.

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or stories to share? Reply below or reach out to Naomi Johnson at Lifebasedbusiness.net.