Experience UNOVA — be a part of our events!
Current Events
Very Merry Main Street, Springville’s Small Business Saturday from 10 am – 4 pm

Collect a stamp at each participating business and return to Sheret Jewelers no later than 4pm for a chance to win gift certificates to downtown merchants!!
1st Prize: $300
2nd Prize: $200
3rd Prize: $100
*Stamp cards will be available at participating businesses on day of event.
Past Events
Springville Strong! Selfie Scavenger Hunt, now through May 30, 2020
UNOVA is participating in the Springville Area Chamber of Commerce Springville Strong! Selfie Scavenger Hunt!
Stop by 29 Mechanic St from May 18 – May 30 for a chance to win one of three $50 gift cards!
Grab a sign, snap a selfie, and show off your community spirit!
Fall Cleaning Donation Drive at UNOVA Coworking, now through September 26, 2020

We are converting our Spring Cleaning Donation Drive to a Fall one! Donate your gently used clothing and household goods to Green Springville, Inc. at UNOVA Coworking. We will deliver them to our local Savers store, who will make donations to our organizations and other local non-profits.
De-clutter your house and Green Springville will upcycle your goods to earn valuable funding to continue hosting meaningful events for the greater Springville area. It’s a win-win!
Earth Hour, March 28, 2020

Please join Green Springville, Inc. in turning off our lights for one hour at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, 2020, to show your support for a healthy planet.
Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join you, and share your reason for “going dark” for just one hour in the comments below!
Green Springville 2020 Speaker Series: Backyard Wildlife with Jimini Crowket, March 10, 2020
Get details and RSVP HERE!
Game Night @ UNOVA Coworking, February 28, 2020

Green Springville 2020 Speaker Series: Pond Ponderings, February 11, 2020

A successful, safe, and enjoyable pond begins with proper site selection, including site characteristics such as availability of water, soils, and topography. Proper planning, design, and construction techniques are important to make sure the pond safely holds water and meets the landowner’s objectives. Periodic operation & maintenance will prolong the life of the pond and ensure that it continues to provide years of safe, reliable, enjoyable service.
Light refreshments will be served; RSVP appreciated but not necessary.
Share the Love Shopping Pop-Up, February 8, 2020

Share the Love…
…of the Springville community
…to support local small business
…with your valentine, your friends and family, and yourself!
Stay tuned for a list of participating vendors.
Stop by between 10am and 4pm — see you then!
Making Good On Your 2020 Intentions, January 14, 2020

We will start the session with reflective journaling – gaining clarity on your why + intention for the year. Then, Intuitive Coach Kristin will perform intuitive readings for each participant in order to identify and clear the biggest fear getting in the way of committing to your intention. We will round out the session with a group discussion + coaching around changing your relationship to fear and committing to yourself.
Disclaimer: this will be a safe + confidential environment; Kristin is not a medical professional, so any messages that come through should be interpreted and utilized at your own discretion.
FREE journals to all attendees, courtesy of UNOVA Coworking.
Small Business Saturday & A Very Merry Springville, November 30, 2019

Founded in 2010 as a way to help bring more customers to local shops, Small Business Saturday is now a well-known shopping tradition celebrating individual communities and supporting many kinds of small businesses. Every year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, shoppers come together to Shop Small and share the places they love with the people they love.
UNOVA Coworking is one of the many small businesses who will open its doors to shoppers on Small Business Saturday, November 30th for A Very Merry Springville, Springville’s version of Small Business Saturday! First, participants pick up a shopper card from the Springville Journal and Springville Area Chamber of Commerce. The card will highlight each participating business and the location of various vendors (UNOVA will have three inside!!!) Then, spend the day strolling down Main Street. Shoppers can get their cards stamped at participating businesses beginning on Saturday, November 23rd and enter to win prizes. Drawings will be held at 4 pm on Saturday, November 30th. You don’t want to miss it!
Shop Local, Shop Small this holiday season!
Adult Strategy and Party Game Night, November 22, 2019

Family Game Night, November 8, 2019

Freelance Business Week Buffalo @ UNOVA Coworking, September 12, 2019

You can get your tickets and create your personalized event schedule at https://freelancebusinessweek.com/buffalo/.
If you are a UNOVA member, prepare to see a lot of new faces in the back event space, but don’t miss out of the fun — grab your tickets today!
FREELANCE BUSINESS WEEK Buffalo, September 9, 2019 – September 14, 2019

Every session of #FBWBUFFALO is designed with your freelance business in mind. Making sure there are sessions to answer your business questions, peers to talk through the hard stuff with and resources to make you more productive … All in one city, Buffalo.
FREELANCE BUSINESS WEEK Buffalo is 5-days of events, workshops, fireside chats, talks, and panel discussions focused on our local freelance business community. All designed to build your freelance business, celebrate your accomplishments and bust through whatever roadblocks you are facing. We’re led by local freelance business owners, supporting businesses and hosted in fabulous spaces all over town.
We are your community, together we are all better. As freelance business owners, it is far too easy to work in a vacuum and diminish our growth and creativity. We owe it to ourselves and our city to keep growing.
We are Freelance Business Week to Buffalo to honor your hard work, provide you with the resources to push through roadblocks in your business and achieve your dreams. Come out and join us, expand your network and broaden your view of possibilities.
International Coworking Day 2019, August 9, 2019

As a thank you to all of our amazing members and the supportive WNY community, we will host a Free Day & Donuts Party on Friday, August 9, 2019!
Join us!
Bisons Game for Coworkers, July 19, 2019

As a thank you to all of our current members, Joe and Ashley would like to invite you and your families to the Buffalo Bisons game on
Friday, July 19th at 7pm.
UNOVA has reserved the Blue Jays Suite, complete with food, drinks, and shelter, in case it rains. The kiddos (and adults, too — we don’t judge) will get to take their photo with one of the Bisons mascots, and there will be fireworks after the game.
If you are able to make it, please let us know how many tickets you will need (adults and children). This should be a fun night out to mingle with your fellow “coworkers.” THANK YOU and hope to see you there!
Free Lunch for Freelancers, July 19, 2019

Enjoy lunch and then spend the day working in the CENTER of WNY!
Freelance Business Week will be held from September 9 to September 13 in various locations across Western New York and we are in need of volunteers, speakers, and venues!
Please come and see how you help the freelance biz gal cultivate the freelance community in Western New York.
All are welcome! Bring a friend!
Solarize Southtowns Launch Party, June 20, 2019

On Thursday, June 20th, join us as we launch a summer full of workshops and special events promoting the Solarize campaign. What’s SOLARIZE, you ask? For those of you living or working in Concord, Colden, Eden, Evans, and Sardinia, this is your opportunity to obtain high quality, low cost solar installations at your home or business!
•Be one of the first 100 people to sign up to learn more about solar and receive a FREE MEAL from the O’Brien’s Farm Fresh Kitchen food truck
•See if you qualify for NY-Sun’s “SOLAR-FOR-ALL” program — a no-cost option for income qualified home owners and renters to connect with a community solar array, and receive cost saving credits on their electric bill!
•Meet the INSTALLER and ask questions about cost, savings, equipment, and the timing of solar installation
•Afterward, walk across the street to Heritage Park and listen to live MUSIC from the Canal St. String Band at the village’s free Community Concert Series (6:30-8pm)
See you there!
For additional information about how Solarize works, visit SolarizeBuffaloNiagara.org.
Small Business Summit with State Senator Patrick M. Gallivan, May 10, 2019

Art Crawl 2019, May 4, 2019
The Annual Downtown Springville Art Crawl is Saturday, May 4, 2019 from 5:30-8:30 P.M. with free activity for all ages throughout the National Register Historic District.
To “crawl,” your first stop should be at the corner of Main and Mechanic Streets to pick up a ballot and a map of the participating locations. After that, the night is what you make of it, wandering in and out of storefronts from the Pop Warner Museum and Mercantile down to N. Buffalo Street and the Arts Center.
Artwork of various kinds, from watercolor to photography and acrylic to collage, is exhibited in businesses in Springville’s historic downtown. The artwork, submitted from across Western New York, will be juried into the show.
***Most of the work on display is for sale. ***
Once 8:30pm hits, businesses close and the after-party begins at Springville Center for the Arts, located at 37 North Buffalo Street. Refreshments will be provided in the Olmsted Gallery which features the exhibit: WNY Artists from the Collection of Bruce Allen Blair.
Parking is available in the large municipal parking lot south of Main Street or off Franklin Street. The event is held rain or shine. A pedestrian-friendly, free, walking event. The Crawl is sponsored by Springville Center for the Arts, a charitable nonprofit organization.
Earth Day 2019, April 27, 2019

UNOVA Coworking Grand Opening, April 6, 2019

Stop by anytime to celebrate our official GRAND OPENING with us!
> Giveaways! Win prizes, free membership upgrades, and more
> Explore our space, including private offices, brand new kitchen, and lounge
> Games and trivia for the entire family
> Appetizers and refreshments
Green Springville 2019 Speaker Series: Backyard Beekeeping, April 9, 2019

Green Springville 2019 Speaker Series: Hemp 101, February 12, 2019

• A brief overview of Farm in Peace’s first year experience growing industrial hemp in Collins
• Current policy in NY
• The difference between hemp and marijuana
• Parts of the plant
• Grain and fiber uses
• What is CBD
• How does CBD work in the body
• How a consumer can incorporate hemp into daily life (including why you should and what questions you should ask)
• Question and Answer
Farm in Peace will be bringing their Farm in Peace Hemp Coffee, Farm in Peace Hemp Teas, and CBD oil from a trusted company.
Green Springville 2019 Speaker Series: Electric Vehicles, February 12, 2019

Each year Green Springville brings speakers to talk about a variety of sustainability topics. “I love the Green Speaker Series because it introduces people to a variety of sustainability topics,” said Reed Braman, Green Springville President, “It’s free, open to everyone and provides a forum for people who might have questions.”
Last year the Green Speaker Series featured everyday green living, geothermal heating and cooling, the concept of a community toolshare, and owning solar panels. This year the series will feature ZEVs, hemp production and its many uses, and backyard beekeeping.
The electric vehicle talk will be held on Tuesday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. at UOVA Coworking, 29 Mechanic St. in Springville. Future talks will also be held the second Tuesday of the month at the same time and place. A question and answer period will follow all speakers. For more information, contact Green Springville at GreenSpringvilleInfo@gmail.com or via Facebook Messenger.
UNOVA Coworking Open House, November 24, 2018

UNOVA Coworking!
It’s been a long trip down renovation road, and we’re finally ready to open our doors.
Come meet the founders of UNOVA Coworking and learn what our space can offer you.
We’ll also be giving away free trial memberships to the first 20 members who sign up!
(And yes, there will be snacks and beverages!)
Getting to Know UNOVA Ice Cream Social, July 18, 2018

We will discuss coworking and collaborative consumption in general, and show you how this diverse space can provide freelancers, home workers, small business owners, and community organizers a better place to work in the Village of Springville.
Find out what coworking has to offer you!