Simple Strategies to Make a Safety Net for Your Business

Part of running a small business is preparing for unexpected issues that might arise today or years down the road. No one can predict the future and accidents are inevitable, but having a safety net in place will help you stay afloat while protecting your financial interests.

In other words, taking steps now to prepare for the unexpected can help ensure your business thrives amid adversity. UNOVA Coworking looks at some practical ways to create the perfect safety net for your small business:

Getting a Home Warranty

If you run your business from home, purchasing a home warranty is an easy way to protect yourself against unexpected repairs and replacements. A home warranty covers all major systems and appliances in the home, so if anything breaks down or needs replacing, you won’t have to worry about paying out-of-pocket.

Plus, since most warranties come with 24/7 customer service, you can rest assured that any issue will be taken care of quickly and easily. Give this a view if you need a good place to start comparing providers!

Establishing an LLC

Another way to protect yourself as a small business owner is to form an LLC (limited liability company). This type of business entity can protect your personal assets from being used to pay debts incurred by your business. If something happens and your business has to declare bankruptcy or face other legal issues, you won’t be held personally liable.

An LLC also protects you from potential lawsuits that can arise due to products sold or services provided by your company. Research the LLC rules in your state, and consider going through a formation service to save time and stress.

Keeping Digital Records

It’s also crucial to keep digital records of all transactions related to your business as well as any contracts or agreements you have with clients or vendors. Using PDF splitter tools can make your life easier when dealing with multiple documents at once.

Such a tool can help you keep all your documents organized and accessible if you need them for any legal disputes down the line. Splitting large files into smaller chunks makes them simpler to manage and store without taking up too much space on your computers or other devices.

Saving an Emergency Fund

No business owner likes thinking about worst-case scenarios, but you must plan ahead and create a plan for unexpected problems. Set aside money in savings each month to cover various costs associated with emergencies, such as sudden machinery or equipment replacements, major house repairs, medical incidents, etc. Aim to put aside enough money each month so it adds up quickly over time; don’t rely on credit cards!

Managing Your Cash Flow

One of the most important steps for creating a safety net for your small business is to manage your cash flow correctly and efficiently. Keeping track of income from sales and expenses associated with running operations allows you to minimize surprises context time — or worse yet if there’s an emergency situation where you need to access extra funds quickly. Set up automated reminders each month so that nothing falls through the cracks when it’s time to pay your bills!

Using a Coworking Space

Working in a shared office or coworking space can provide many benefits to the modern professional. From access to cost-effective facilities and resources to being around like-minded individuals, you can yield numerous advantages when renting a coworking space (whether occasionally or daily).

Working at home can quickly become isolating and lonely, but working at a coworking office can make it easy to get out and collaborate with new people, discover different work styles, and keep up with industry trends. Connect with UNOVA Coworking today to learn about our available spaces!

Wrapping Up

The last thing you want is for your small business to get caught off guard when unexpected situations arise. Establishing an LLC, maintaining digital records, building your savings, honing in your cash flow, and following the other tips above will get you off to a strong start. Remember that taking simple steps today can pay dividends down the line!

Would you like to read more helpful content or learn about our coworking spaces? Visit today!

Wellness and Working From Home: Tips for Cultivating a Healthy Remote Work Life

From the 10-second commute to the endless snacks and pet snuggles, remote work certainly has its perks. However, making sure your home is a great place to work takes effort. Courtesy of UNOVA Coworking, here are some things you can do to improve your professional productivity and personal wellness as you work remotely.

Image via Pexels

Set a Schedule

Remote work often translates to more flexibility in your day, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t still value in keeping a schedule. Take breaks throughout the day, and have a hard stop at the end of your workday, so you don’t risk burnout or overworking. If feasible, get in the habit of temporarily removing any work-related apps from your cellphone during your off times to help foster a healthy balance between your work and personal life.

Additionally, look for ways to structure your day to optimize your time and effort. For example, it’s proven that taking on larger, more difficult tasks earlier in the day is best for productivity. You can even do a mock commute, which may involve a short walk, bike ride, or drive around the block or to your local coffee shop to help you enter “work mode” and get ready for the day.

Keep It Clean

When your home doubles as your workplace, keep your space as comfortable as possible, so you can focus on your job. If you feel negative energy creeping up in your space, try to declutter or reorganize your surroundings to create a more positive atmosphere. Spend a few minutes at the end of each day cleaning up your desk and work area. Invest in storage organizational furniture to keep nonessential items out of sight while you work to prevent distractions. If you need some extra help keeping your home clean, consider bringing in a professional housekeeper on a regular basis.

Eat Healthily and Stay Active

Working from home likely means you’ve got more time to cook healthy dishes instead of relying on quick microwave meals at the office. Develop a meal plan for each week, and always have healthy snacks on hand. Stay hydrated, and consider getting a water bottle with time markers to encourage you to maintain proper liquid intake throughout the day.

Be intentional about dedicating time each day to moving your body, as sitting for extended periods of time can be harmful to your health. Consider upgrading your regular desk to a standing desk to help improve your blood circulation and physical posture. An under-desk treadmill can also ensure you stay active while you work.

Staying Well While Staying Home

The rise of remote work has led to many opportunities to spend more time at home. As you optimize your remote work arrangement, keep your health and wellness top of mind. For more information on remote work, including how you can benefit from a coworking space in Springville, New York, visit UNOVA Coworking.

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Julie Morris.

3 Tips for Perfecting Your Space When You Work From Home

Image via Pexels

3 Tips for Perfecting Your Space When You Work From Home

According to recent remote worker statistics, 56% of companies around the globe offer telework options to employees, and those numbers are projected to grow as the world adjusts to post-pandemic life.  This means more people can work from home than ever before.  If you’re one of them, you may feel excited for the opportunity, but anxious about the reality of setting up your home office and making it a space where you can be efficient and productive.  Your house is your comfort zone where you let your hair down, relax, and settle in your loungewear.  So, how do you make it double as your office?  Here are some tips from UNOVA Coworking to make that happen!

1. Designate Your Work Space

The key to being productive when working remotely is having a distinct home office.  Just like a corporate workspace, your home office should be equipped for your professional needs and free of distractions.  Ideally, this space should be a room behind a door, like an extra bedroom, finished attic loft, or walk-in closet.  This way, you can close yourself in during work hours to avoid interruptions and shut the door behind you when the day ends.  If you only have a corner of a common space to work with, then consider getting a room divider that screens your view and muffles sound.

The goal is to make a space that allows you the convenience of a remote job, but also promotes a healthy work-life balance and prevents you from checking emails long into the night when you should be relaxing with your family.

2. Personalize Your Home Office

The great thing about a home office is that it doesn’t have to look like a sterile cubicle.  In fact, the more comfortable you make your space, the more productive you’ll be.  Even if you only telework one or two days a week, you’ll want to design and outfit your office for maximum efficiency.  Some creative and professional decor ideas include:

The idea of furnishing your home office can be daunting, especially if you’re on a budget.  Repurposing old, broken, or thrift store items is a great way to get the vibe you need for the room without breaking the bank.  You can find a quality upholstery service near you to repair and reupholster any pieces that need attention, which is often less expensive than buying a new office set.  Depending on your custom needs, style, and fabric choices, you can have a large sofa re-covered for $1,200-$3,500.  Before reaching out for a quote, be sure to conduct thorough research and do a deep dive into online customer reviews.

3. Find a New Space

Your studio apartment may have been perfect when you left home every day to go to work, but now that you’re a remote employee, you may feel cramped, anxious, or overwhelmed in your small space.  Major life changes require modifications, so if your living quarters no longer suit you, it may be time to move on.  If you’re interested in purchasing a new home, make sure to research the housing market in your area before making any big decisions.

If you can create a space in your home where you feel comfortable, motivated, and empowered, you’ll have no problem tackling the challenges of telework and becoming a top performer in your company in no time.

And if you ‘re looking for community (or need to put a little distance between you and your work), try a coworking space, like UNOVA!

Questions or comments?  Have any additional tips or resources to share?  Reply below or reach out to Chelsea Lamb.

UNOVA Coworking believes in fostering community to help spur the growth of small businesses and organizations in and around Western New York and the southern tier.  Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Easy Expansion: Hiring and Managing Remote Workers

When it comes to business, there’s always strength in numbers. If you want to take your company to the next level, you’ll need to put together a cohesive team and learn to manage them in the era of remote working – here’s how you can get started.

Hiring Smart

Before you begin the hiring process, it’s important to outline exactly who and what the company requires to succeed. Many new ventures begin with just a CEO and an accountant but, as you begin to expand or take on new investment, you may need to accommodate your growth with a few key additions. At this crucial stage, your new personnel need to represent immediate value – for example, marketing generalists or sales representatives can help increase revenue or spread brand awareness, or a product manager could help to develop your product range and supply chains.

When it comes to actually hiring, the process can be as simple or complex as you need it to be. Generally speaking, however, it’s worth taking time to plan and structure – write out the desired skills, available budget, and experience required. There are hundreds of forums and platforms to help you discover talent. If you find that you’re time-poor, it could be worth hiring a recruiter to help filter out the best candidates and remove the burden of scrolling through resumés. If you’re a microbusiness, try to avoid larger recruitment agencies as you’ll find more affordable fees attached to smaller companies.

Planning Ahead

It’s crucial that new hires understand exactly where you intend to take your company and what their role is in its development. Maybe your priority is to generate high-quality leads and establish your brand within a particular demographic, or to dominate an emerging market, spreading the word as quickly and indiscriminately as possible – whatever your aim, it needs to be communicated clearly, as confusion can quickly lead to lapses in productivity. Create a process map to help to alleviate this issue and enable you and your team to analyze your shared processes and outcomes, helping everyone to stay organized.

To make life easier for everyone, it’s also important to do some work independently. This means taking everything you already understand about your business and your industry and writing the information down in the form of a mission statement. Until now, much of your company’s brand values, work practices, and long-term objectives have lived inside your head – if you want to successfully transition into a team-based business, you’ll need to be generous with knowledge and prioritize patience and clarity.

Managing Remotely

Even with all the right preparation, you’ll never know exactly what you’re undertaking until the team is formed and the work is underway. There are believed to be three primary management styles and up to ten sub-styles – it’s up to you to recognize your own strengths and apply these accordingly. It’s also important to remember that the world of work is changing rapidly and, in this day and age, talent often recognizes its own value. Familiarize yourself with the latest trends in company perks, mental health awareness, and paid leave/vacation allowance.

Remote working can make management tricky at times but you’re likely to turn off good workers if you insist too strictly on in-person attendance. A good strategy is to divide the week up with some days given for remote working and others for office work. With the right communication tools, there’s no reason why virtual management can’t work, just be certain to check in regularly and make use of collaborative software.

It’s always a nervy moment for a company when it comes time to expand, but if you can provide clarity of vision, keep an open mind, and collaborate with your new hires, there’s no reason why your business shouldn’t thrive.

UNOVA is a coworking space established in 2018, offering a range of facilities for emerging businesses. Learn more at

Questions or comments? Have any additional tips or resources to share? Reply below or reach out to Marissa Perez.

11 Essential Apps for Business Owners to Have More Free Time

Business Apps
Image via Unsplash

If you’re a small business owner, entrepreneur, or coach who’s working hard to get your passion project out into the world, but you also want more free time in your day-to-day life, then these apps are perfect for you. They’ll help you get organized and work efficiently so that all of your essential tasks don’t fall through the cracks. UNOVA Coworking offers a list of the top 11 apps that will help increase your productivity and give you back some precious free time!

1) Google Drive. It’s the perfect app for collaboration with colleagues, sharing documents, and storing company information. You can also create a document in seconds that will allow several people to work on it together in real-time.

2) Slack. This collaborative workspace allows individuals to work together with their business teams from wherever they are while retaining complete control over who has access to your conversations. It also offers integrations with other apps such as Dropbox so users can sync files across platforms without switching back and forth between different screens or programs.

3) Trello. Trello is a great way to manage projects. With its clean and straightforward interface, you can create boards for different tasks with cards representing the steps needed to complete those tasks.

4) Adobe Spark. When it comes to creating professional level designs for your social media or website, this app makes it easy to tap into your creativity. For example, you can use their banner generator to quickly craft a compelling design with fun graphics and fonts that give the impression it was made by a graphic designer.

4) Dropbox. This app allows users to store files in the cloud and access or share them from any device, anywhere. It offers integration with many other apps and desktop or laptop computers, making it a handy cloud app to have.

5) Zoom. This app is now a classic video conference and screen-sharing service that offers many of the same features as Skype or Facetime but has some great extras like recording meetings.

6) QuickBooks Enterprise. QuickBooks is distribution software for wholesale businesses that helps you keep track of inventory and optimize your wholesale distribution. It can automatically tally up purchases, record stock updates to ensure you have the correct information to fulfill our orders, avoid out of stock, and provide analytics on sales data for an easy view of how your company is doing financially. Integrations to leading e-commerce platforms are also a welcome feature.

7) QuickBooks. A flexible accounting app, QuickBooks allows you to manage expenses and invoices, track payments, and stay on top of all of your essential financial metrics and help curb your spending, among other things. It offers multiple integrations, as well as the ability to send reminders for overdue payments.

8) Scanner app. This app turns your phone into a document scanner, letting you quickly digitize paper documents. The ability to scan anywhere will make it easier to have your office on the go without needing to carry around endless bits of paper and post-its that inevitably end up getting lost.

9) Asana. This cloud-based work management app is excellent for people with many individual tasks or different projects to complete. It helps you keep track by providing reminders, and it also lets users share lists so that they can collaborate on projects together.

10) Evernote. Dividing up tasks among team members can save time for everyone. This app lets users share notes, lists, and files across devices to work together on projects efficiently.

Do you already use some of these, or do any of them sound like they could benefit your company? If so, give it a try to see if you can get a little help to free up your time.


Join us on Saturday, April 6th, 2019 for the official Grand Opening of UNOVA Coworking! 

Explore our space! Be sure to check out our private offices, brand new kitchen, and breakout lounge.

Talk to current members! Don’t just take it from us — listen to real testimonials and see what our space can offer you.

Bring your friends and family! Come for the free giveaways, appetizers, & refreshments, and stay for the all ages trivia, games, and good company.

Stop by anytime to celebrate our official GRAND OPENING with us!


UNOVA Coworking’s Open House!

UNOVA Coworking Open House Flyer Front

I know what you’re thinking — we at UNOVA Coworking have been very quiet on the communication front.  Well, get ready, because that’s about to change.  You see, we’ve been hard at work renovating the space for valuable community members like you to come in and start getting work done.

It all begins on Small Business Saturday, November 24th!  Join Joe & Ashley and other potential members as we mark the official opening of UNOVA Coworking!  Be the first to tour the space, enjoy some snacks, and learn more about what our space can offer you.  Bring your friends and family, stay as long as you’d like, and be sure to ask for a free trial membership!

In the meantime, check back on our website and sign up as an online community member on our JOIN page — it’s easy to do and completely FREE!  Just enter your email and pick a password, that’s it!  From there you can create your profile and start connecting with others.

Here’s the pretty flyer we made for the Open House.  Please help us spread the word and share with your friends, family, colleagues, neighbors, mailman, accountant, favorite store cashier — really anyone who enjoys free stuff and good people.

We thank you for your patience, and hope to see you on November 24th!!! 

Happy International Coworking Day!

Coworking as a movement, a business solution, and a supportive global community turns 13 years old today!

It was on August 9th, 2005 that Brad Neuberg opened the first collaborative workspace in San Francisco and dubbed it “coworking.”  What started as a tiny community office space in a converted Victorian in San Francisco has grown 
More people currently cowork than there are people living in all of Costa Ricato 1.74 million coworkers in 2017, with an expected 5.1 million members by 2022.  To put that number in perspective, more people currently cowork than there are people living in all of Costa Rica!  That not only means that memberships across the globe are making a statement in and of themselves, but that coworking will most definitely impact the future of work as we know it.

What Brad, a software developer at the time, wanted was “the freedom and independence of working for myself along with the structure and community of working with others.”  Coworking allows members to experience the energy of being surrounded by like-minded individuals from different businesses, industries, and trades which benefits the professional worker in a way that a traditional office simply cannot.

Naturally then, on this day every year, coworkers and coworking spaces across the globe take a moment to celebrate their independence as well as their discovery of all the dreams that can come true when you’ve got a solid community in which to create and collaborate.  Check out some of the Coworking Day events here!

Brad Neuberg, coworking founder
Photo courtesy of

Brad created this model by which people from all walks of life could work together.  But this is not a one-size-fits-all model, of course.  Brad invited those who liked the coworking concept to share and remix it, to make it their own.  What differentiates coworking spaces from any other office space is a commitment to the five values of coworking:  Collaboration, Community, Openness, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability.  With these core principles as a foundation, coworking aims to create a happy, helpful community of workers whose success and knowledge rubs off on those around them.

Happy #InternationalCoworkingDay!!!

Coworking in the news

Coffee and UNOVA Coworking Website

Last week’s blog post discussed UNOVA’s definition of coworking and why we decided to open a coworking space in the Buffalo Southtowns.  The coworking concept especially appeals to us because it provides independent professionals the flexibility and freedom of a “have it when you want it” workspace, plus a supportive business community, all in a polished work environment.

But don’t just take our word for it – check out any one of these news sources to learn more about coworking and its positive effects on the worker, the company, and the community:









We’d love to hear from you – what’s your favorite part of coworking?

So what is “coworking” anyway?

Coworking Adjectives Infographic DeskMag

The term, simply put, refers to people working together. Traditionally, a “coworker” would refer to another person who works in the same office in the same profession. But with the changing labor market, more and more individuals find themselves working from home, making a living as self-employed freelancers, or entering the market as an entrepreneur or small business owner.

A coworking space, then, provides a common workspace for all individuals – regardless of their industry, age, and experience – to come together and get their work done. Equipped with all of the necessities of a traditional office (think desks, copy machine, WiFi, coffee…) a coworking space is intended to give you everything you need to have a productive work day, without the distractions of home or a coffee shop, and without cost of renting your own office.

Sound good? I haven’t even gotten to the best part yet!

If you have ever worked from home, the reality often is far less cool than imagined. In my experience, I start by allowing myself to press the snooze a few too many times, cutting into my productivity right off the bat. Then I decide to ‘save the time’ and just stay dressed in my pajamas, subconsciously leaving me unmotivated (not to mention in socially unacceptable attire – I am officially NOT leaving the house!) Last, I continually step away from my real work to, say, wash the dirty dishes I see out of the corner of my eye, or do that load of laundry I’ve been meaning to get to. Not to mention I’ve got up to four cats crawling on my keyboard! At the end of the day – which is way past my usual bedtime and didn’t include a healthy meal – I may have checked off some items on my work to-do list, but I spent the majority of my day bouncing from task to task with little progress to show for it.

In a traditional office environment, sure there are distractions – loud conversations at the water cooler or chess games going on in the breakroom – but those same people have similar deadlines to meet and a boss breathing down their necks to ensure they stay on task. A coworking space provides that much-needed social interaction to keep you productive and stimulated throughout your ‘work day’ (whatever hours you choose), but without the disruptions or diversions of home or a coffeehouse.

So for me, the best part of a coworking space is the social network you can develop. By immersing yourself in a coworking environment, you now have any number of people to ask for advice on your latest assignment or have them proofread a carefully worded email to an important client. You’ll not only have a crowd to celebrate your big wins with over a beer (or wine, or cider, even at 4pm – who’s stopping you?), but you’ll also have a shoulder to cry on if the project you’ve been working on goes belly up. When you rent a desk or an office, you gain self-motivated coworkers who will support you professionally in a way that you simply can’t find when you work from home or in a corporate office.

Coworking is not only sharing equipment, ideas, and knowledge, but about belonging to a community of like-minded professionals who understand that when others succeed, we all succeed.


Coworking infographic courtesy of